All posts by admin

July 30, 2013

trains schedule changes on August 1, 2013

Be careful: on August 1, the train from the Finland Station to Kuznechnoe (Priozersky direction) departs at 6.39 am , which is 55 minutes earlier than usual schedule. At 7.06 this train will be at the station «Devyatkino», which combined with the metro station «Devyatkino». All the participants of the tour «Small vacations on Lake Ladoga — from Thursday to Sunday» from August 1 to 4 Please — pay attention to this changes. Please don’t be late for this train, cause the next in this direction on August 1 is only at 16.30.


July 24, 2013

let’s celebrate July 28 together!

July 28 — Day of Navy of Russia! We invite you to celebrate this holiday in a four-day tour July 25 to 28 on Ladoga Lake. There are still places in this the tour «Small vacation on Ladoga Lake — from Thursday to Sunday». Departure from the Finland Station July 25 by train to Kuznechnoe (Priozerskoe direction) to 7.16 am! Join us — fun is guaranted!

July 24, 2013

change of the train schedule

WARNING! Friends who are going on tour on July 25 train from the Finland Station — schedule changes! The train to «Kuzhechnoe» goes to 7.16 am, which is 18 earlier than usual schedule. Meeting with the instructor at the appointed place in the memo tourist at 6.45 to 7.01 am. See you at Ladoga!

July 23, 2013

presentitng a songwriter of the tour «songs under sails»

Dear friends! Members and guests of the tour «Songs under sail», who could not take a songwriter in paper form, can get it in the mail. Send us your postal address. Shipped for those wishing songwriter electronically. We are waiting for information from you! Summer continues with mushrooms, after the recent rains, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and the wind in the sails. Welcome to the next tour, for which there are four places: July 25 — 28 — captain Alexey Kryvenko with «Pepelats» July 29 — August 4 — seven days with Irina Maximova on «Ladoga» — our legendary captain returned to us after the birth of her daughter. Tradition continues! There are few places on the above tours. The nearest ten days, on which there are places with 9 — August 18. Join now!!!

July 20, 2013

invitation to the concert!

Despite of the temporary change of the weather (by the way, rain is need now, we nature to not die from drought gifts of summer forest), the tour «Songs under sail» went off the jetty of Beryozovo village July 18 together and with a tailwind. Boat reached the convenient parking at the entrance to the bay «Kocherga» (popular name). Remember — three nights — three intimate concerts. Come to the light! The venue does not change — Lake Ladoga, the entrance to the bay Yayatyarvenlahti, which translated to Finnish — Gulf of St. Lake, and in Russian «Kocherga»