All posts by admin

May 1, 2013

With spring break, friends!

We approximate the summer season, we meet the May Day Saturday in Birch!  Hides, paint, remove, rest, kulinarstvuem, walk, collect birch sap and …

April 19, 2013


Friends! From 19 to 20 April 2013, we — Professional Team skippers and instructors' ILAKS ", together with the tourist complex" Ladoga Park Drive "- are involved in the tourist exhibition« LENTRAVEL-2013 "in the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Atrium Commandant's House.

The exhibition is open: April 19 from 10 to 18 hours, April 20 from 11 am to 17 pm 

On Friday, April 19 from 14 to 15 hours on the stage of the exhibition hall to present four-day tour themed "Folk songs on the banks of the ancient Kalevala", which will be this year, from 22 to 25 August. We sing, we dance with Sergei Balzhik and his friends! In 15 hours of giving away a free ticket for the tour! Come and get lucky! 

On Saturday 20 April from 11.30 to 12.30 hours on the stage of the exhibition hall Basil Koposov and young instructors of our team are a traditional concert tour "with songs under sail", which will take place in the season from 18 to 21 July. At the end of the presentation, also giving away a free ticket for this tour. Come! Fantastic time and probably win!

Aprl 18, 2013


preparing for the season

Yesterday, April 17, 2013, approximated the active Ladoga summer! The Coast — Repair Service is in a birch! Birch arrived in the rain (a good sign), settled in the lower house (the lower portion to grow roots), met up with friends beekeepers, Boris Yu and Ruslan, who came to visit us (too bad omen — we hope that visitors and tourists in the season we will have a lot). Rain washed away most of the snow. Begins fifteenth season of "Sailing Vacations on Lake Ladoga." Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!



Friends! Today, April 7, Sunday, at 11:30 am at the stage CEH (1st floor) and Vasily Koposov Alexander Timofeev represent our traditional eighth concert tour "with the song sail!" We come to support! We remind you that the exhibition arena in St. Isaac's Square square, 1, 7 April works with 11 to 16 hours!

April 7 ends season discounts on our tours. Some may still have time to buy a ticket and a 15% discount at the "Tourism without Borders. Summer 2013 "up to 16 hours Moscow time. Very sad that declared at the moment prices for tours of the "Sailing Vacations on Lake Ladoga" do not stand higher prices for all of our lives. It was decided that from May 1, will increase the cost of tours. Watch for information on our websites and in VKontakte. 

Information is comforting that there are still three weeks left to venture out and buy yourself guaranteed a great summer vacation, at the announced price at the moment. Professional team of skippers and instructors' ILAKS "is waiting for you in the summer, to travel together with our sail Ladoga flotilla!